Tuesday 9 June 2009

Latest Newsflash

With less than three weeks until the next event, members of the SDA are anxiously counting down the days until the tungsten flies for the second time this season. With his disappointing third place in the 2009 Premier League, Bigfoot is looking to make amends and pick up further ranking points this time round.

The following is a run-down of information I have picked up on regarding tour members.

Word on the grapevine is that the Wolfman has a new technique similar to Bobby George. Thankfully, Bobby has never won a major event in his life, pointing out the obvious flaws in this technique.

The Gent
Darting pundits throughout the world have commented on The Gent's newly found lack of balance. Many think that this has been caused by the large piece of metal that seems to have appeared on his left hand. Could this affect the world number 1's throwing ability? We'll have to wait and see.

Blind Jonny
With the recent acquisition of his dream motorbike, Blind Jonny has not been practicing as much as he'd like. Apparently the bike needs a lot of work but he'll need to dig out the razor in order to complete the Tom Cruise "TopGun" image! Luckily, Wolfman has offered the other Northern residents a lift to the venue.

The Robber
This pro has kept a fairly low profile over the past couple of months. However, he was recently spotted scaling a mountain in Wales with another member of the SDA. Could this be part of a new training regime to get him match fit?

Bigfoot's main concern is the difference in both culture and climate that the Southern Masters brings. Having not travelled south of Birmingham for years, he is worried about the language barrier! How will he cope? His darts seem to be temperamental, one minute he's phil taylor and the next he's that guy from the pub that can't even hit the board. Hopefully things will settle down before the big day.

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